
Positioning a start-up medical education brand as a household name among medical students worldwide.

A company built by surgeons, MySuture has a core aim of inspiring the next generation of talented surgeons, and have sold over 500 of their premium quality kits to date.

When we took over MySutures marketing, we decided we needed to make some initial adjustments. The existing Instagram page needed some new highlight covers and a new bio before we could begin to plan a content strategy. Our aim was to create a new direction for MySutures brand tone. We aimed to achieve this through redesigning the website, incorporating short form content into the social media strategy, and taking over facebook ads.

The Aim

We wasted no time once we redesigned the Instagram page. Our team of fantastic content creators got to work on some different styles of short form content. We finally decided it to go with a medical educational style of videos that had great potential to go viral, whilst perfectly matching the surgical brand tone of MySuture. We also decided it would be tactical to help build connections for MySuture with people in our community. This is a fantastic way for MySuture to be used in more conferences and events, to get the brand in-front of more eyes.

Our Approach

We seen an increase in followers by around 400 in a couple of months, and an increase in accounts reach by over 18,000. For a new, small page, we were really happy with this rate of growth. We now regularly see our reels averaging 1000’s of views each week, and the rate of new followers has been positively maintained. We also set up links with In2MedSchool. MySuture resultantly sponsored an event for In2MedSchool, providing their high quality suture simulation kits to 100’s of prospective medical students, which in turn got a lot of eyes on the brand, as-well as promoting their brand to budding medics.

The Result

Check out their website here:

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